Coloquio de Física - Rare events in a system of mutually coupled lasers
Departamentos Ciencias - Sección Física
Ponente: Carlos Pando (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) We present a study for a laser system consisting of two coupled laser oscillators, each of which shows mixed-mode oscillations and chaos when uncoupled. The type of coupling, incoherent laser interaction (unidirectional or bidirectional), is an example of inhibitory nonlinear coupling, which typically arises in neurons. We have carried out extensive numerical bifurcation analysis and numerical simulations to show that for small enough coupling, well below the synchronization threshold, the onset of certain resonances in a symmetric configuration induces a type of rare events characterized by a very small amplitude. For an asymmetric configuration, we observe extreme rare events (rogue waves), which occur near an in-phase Hopf bifurcation. In both configurations, the rate of these rare events can be tuned by changing the coupling strength.
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